HTOYC, rebooted

HTOYC, rebooted

This week, we try something different... with Mark Rossano

When we started “Hot Take over Your Commute” it was early 2020. People still drove to work everyday. We were new to the podcast game, and there was much debate about “what is the right format?” On the one hand, Joe Rogan. 3 episodes a week, 180 minutes long, topics all over the place. On the other, Michael Barbaro with “the Daily” from the New York Times. An expose story, 27 minutes in length, based on an article. That’s a fairly wide range.

We settled on one interview style around an hour and this “HTOYC” concept- meant to get you to work, highlighting various issues in energy. Then COVID happened and no one left their house.

I interviewed Mark Rossano this week and there is so much information, so many topics- from oil to inflation to Russia to food and fertilizer…. well, we went for 210 minutes and I had a thought. Maybe this is the episode to break up into digestible pieces to help get you to work.

This is for subscribers to the newsletter only and hosted by Substack. Press play on your phone and enjoy. The full episode will be out later this week on Spotify and Apple.

This episode focuses on the concept of “Lockdown 2.0.” As I have written for the last week or so and highlighted in yesterday’s “DUC, DUC, Goose Chase” increasing global oil production will be nearly impossible in the short term. I ask Mark “Should the Government have a Lockdown 2.0 to reduce consumption 25%…” His answer surprised me, made me happy, and made me question “Did the Government even need a lockdown if the market actually works…?” Have a listen and tell me what you think.

If you like the idea, subscribe to the podcast, write a review and enjoy the HTOYC on Substack only.

David Ramsden-Wood's #hottakeoftheday