What we are seeing is a repeat in history. When a society requires the burden of others but not on themselves the society is doomed to fail. Rome, Spain, Attila, They all needed other countries to support them after they conquered those lands. We have conquered the world and gotten lazy and fat and forgot what it took to do the heavy lifting. We can still innovate but don't know what it takes as a society to create. We are bunch of people more interested in making videos and commentaries instead of making products.

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Yes, David, we have become lazy and complacent..along with that, overweight and unaware of simple things..like how to find water and dig a well if current systems fail...how to maneuver thru failure of electrical/power systems..how to heal through nature..so many lost arts..cause we are so very lazy & because our idols revolve around ‘a chip’ (& I don’t mean ‘a chip off of the old block’!) it would be awesome, if we could find stimulation again in the simple things & slow down a bit ..u know, smell the Roses..but, I am showing my age!! Love your question.

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Yeah sure. Let’s all go backwards. We’ll teach us ALL a lesson.

Keep me updated on how that goes.

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great points - if things got really tough I am not sure that some generations would be able to cope with really tough times. The WWII generation was able to survive on the home garden and rationing of everything. The ability to remain self-sufficient has diminished in every generation since. Personally, getting ready to live 80 to 90% off-grid is not a bad thing.

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