Well sure Biden wants to increase taxes because he also wants to increase spending by far more than he wants to increase taxes. AND he needs more money to keep giving to illegal migrants. Additionally Biden is a huge part of the problem with Student Loan forgiveness and free handouts to migrants who cross the border illegally.

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The reason only RFK Jr is talking about it is because the other 2 have a track record otherwise. Biden at least is willing to look at tax changes to help close the gap. Trump is going old school tax cut and spend. And as long as entitlements and military are off the board, there isn't enough of a budget left to make a meaningful difference. The rest of the cuts become more symbolic as an attempt to control policy as it does to actually balance the budget. Meanwhile the demographics of SSI and Medicare are such that we are going to hit a crossroads in the next decade. And the longer we wait, the more jarring any solution will be.

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